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Westhill Central School District Safety Committee Members:

•    Steve Smith, Assistant Superintendent for Business Administration
•    Superintendent of Buildings & Grounds
•    Jessica Fletcher, District Safety Officer

Special Area Representatives

•    Jennie Smarrelli, Athletic Director
•    Beth Nagraj, Nurses
•    Michele Rether, Transportation Director
•    Katie Harmon, Director of Educational Technology
•    WEST Representative
•    Rich Gunther, Food Service

 Association Representatives/Designees

•    Lisa Chamberlain and Alaina Weinsztok, Teachers
•    Korrine Stoltz, Support Staff
•    Daniel Dolan, Administrators

 Building Representatives

•    Jean Pounder, Westhill High School
•    Sheri Goldthwaite, Onondaga Hill Middle School
•    Sarah Colaluca, Walberta Park Elementary School
•    Rick Mace, Cherry Road Elementary School
Westhill School logo
Stephen R. Dunham, Superintendent
400 Walberta Road
Syracuse, NY 13219
Phone: (315) 426 - 3000