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Westhill High School Acceptable Use Policy for Internet

By accessing the Internet with this Browser, you have read and agreed to the terms stipulated in the Westhill's District Acceptable Use Policy.

Westhill Central School District Internet Use Guidelines
1. Students are to use the Internet for educational purposes only. Internet use is a privilege, not a right. Student misuse of the Internet is a form of insubordination resulting in discipline procedures currently outlined in Westhill Board of Education Policy on student conduct.
2. Students are encouraged to evaluate the information obtained through the Internet with regard to accuracy and quality. Students are to document all Internet sources when used for research.
3. Students are to adhere to proper use of any copyrighted material in accordance with the guidelines for fair educational use.
4. During class time students must have permission from the classroom teacher in order to access the Internet.
5. Students are not to access sites that are questionable in nature (i.e. pornographic, threatening, gratuitously violent, and/or obscene). While the district does provide filtering software, the district cannot guarantee that all potentially objectionable sites are restricted.
6. Students are to report accidental entry into an unacceptable site immediately to the teacher, librarian, or staff member on duty.
7. Students are not to access non-school/personal Internet accounts from school for e-mail purposes or other purposes unless a teacher has set up an e-mail situation as part of the curriculum.
8. Students are not allowed to access chat rooms unless a teacher has set up a chat room situation as part of the curriculum.
9. Students are not to share their own or others’ confidential information including last name, address, and/or telephone number.
10. Students are not to download software to any computer’s hard drive. 11. Students are not to play games on the Internet.
12. Students are responsible for the appropriate use of the computer. Vandalism is a serious offense and includes damage to computer equipment, software or files.
13. The school district and its employees are released from the liability associated with inappropriate use, copyright violations, or inaccuracy of information found on the school computer system.
14. Students may not use the Internet in school for any of the following activities:
•Commercial activities, including solicitation •Revealing material protected by trade secret •Political or special interest lobbying •Proselytization (converting others to your beliefs)
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Stephen R. Dunham, Superintendent
400 Walberta Road
Syracuse, NY 13219
Phone: (315) 426 - 3000